Welcome to LilacsNDreams! Repurpose Restyle Handmade DIY Vintage Collectibles. What a week it was! I was excited because I had things I was hoping to be sharing with you like some completed projects. Well, that was all pushed to the side again.
Hubby was home all week. When he is home we take advantage of it as it doesn't happen that often. This time home was unplanned. Love it when he's home, and it's always nice that he gets back into the truck too. I seem to accomplish a little more when he is absent. I had cleared my table, and was ready to sit down to start doing some cutting, gluing, creative thinking, etc. And, you know the rest.
I have a very good friend who lives in Cedar Rapids. She sells things on ebay, and does quite well with what she does. Look her up some time MaryLouLavender*s is her store name. Hopefully this spring we get together as planned, and do some crafting and thrifting too. Until then we had discussed an idea I was kind of thinking of. "Christmas in July" I remember doing something like this back in time when I was selling online. I remember another seller commenting about how they sell christmas all year long, and it sells too. Perfect timing of these thoughts as I did acquire a few things during the year end sales for christmas items needed. Since then I have found a couple of thrift stores that have seasonal things all year long, and I can always sort through the Marketplace on Facebook too.
So, anyway, I had proposed to her that maybe we should make this a goal with our crafting. Do things for "Christmas in July", and of course other things could be done too. Even some of the other holidays if we wanted to. I have some things here to work with, during all the year end sales I acquired a few things, and I still come across different things that can be transformed into what I need them for.
One of the things I want to make is a Christmas Wreath with the manager featured on it. I got the 2 different mesh colors to use for it, last weekend I was thrifting and was fortunate to find a white star to use for the night star, I have fairy lights to use if I wish, and now I just need figurines/manger for this pc. I figured I could get started with what I had, and finish it with the last piece I need to find.
I have different pieces of glassware that has all been washed, and air dried. With those I am going to make some little snowmen. I can put those together, get them close to done. I would just need some small pieces to get yet. Things to make the snowman noses, something for the hats, scarves, and etc.
I'm excited to being doing this. I know once I start I will keep going with it, and start producing things to have ready for July.
I don't know about you, and where you're residing, but here we have had snow with more predicted. I love Christmas, but enough snow is enough. I am ready for spring time when things are new, fresh, and I have more energy to be working on things. I just need to stay focused right now.
I want to thank you for visiting with LilacsNDreams, and hope to see you again soon. Feel free to stop by anytime, leave a message if you would like, and just browse around if you want to. I still need to work on my site here. Have made notes. All I can is it's a working progress, please bare with me.
Thanks again everyone, till the next time.
Welcome to LilacsNDreams! Personal Google+ Accounts Will Be Going Away. So, has everyone heard, or have you gotten notices with your gmail email accounts? Notice has been sent from the Google+ Team to those who have a consumer (personal) Google+ account, or if you manage a Google+ Page.
I guess in December of 2018 they announced their decision to shut down the Google+ for consumers in April of 2019. I guess they are closing this part due to low usage, and challenges that were involved in maintaining this.
So, on April 2nd your Google+ account, and any Google+ pages that you created will be shut down. They will begin deleting content from Google+ accounts. Photos, and videos from Google+ in your album will also be deleted. You are able to download, and save your content. Just make sure that you do it before April. They did note that photos, and videos that are backed up in Google Photos will not be deleted. As early as February 4th you will no longer be able to create new Google+ profiles, pages, communities, or events.
If you have a blog with Google they also have sent notices there for you to read as well about this issue. The Google+ Widgets: +1 Button, Google+ Followers, nd Google+ Badge widgets in your layout will no longer be available. All instances of these widgets will be removed from your blog.
+1 Buttons and Google+ Share Links below blog posts, and in the navigation bar will be removed.
Please note if you have a custom template that includes Google+ features, you may need to update your template. Please contact your template supplier for advice.
Google+ Comments: Support for Google+ comments will be turned down, and all blogs using Google+ comments will be reverted back to using Blogger comments. Unfortunately, comments posted as Google+ comments cannot be migrated to Blogger, and will no longer appear on your blog.
If you have seen all of the notices regarding this issue I apologize for repeating it to you. For those who have not seen this, maybe overlooked the message, or for reasons unknown did not receive any of the messages I wanted to share this with you.
Sadly, I hadn't used Google+ for a really long time. When it first came out I remember working with it, trying to adapt, and trying to do something with it. I was never really set on using it, and with some things it got complicating/in the way of what I was trying to do. It was a part of Google, and I thought maybe it would help with things involving my placement in google, my ranking in google, and so on. I later learned there were other things that were more helpful in doing all of that, and more for me.
So, just giving everyone a heads up if you notices any minor changes due to this issue. Hope it was helpful to those who needed to know.
Thanks so much for visiting with LilacsNDreams. I hope to see you all again soon. Take care till the next time everyone.
Welcome to LilacsNDreams! Thrifting, Junking, Repurposing, DIY, Crafting, Handmade, Restyle, and vintage collectibles too! What can I say, I love dabbling with a lot of things!
Hello! Hello! Hello! to all visiting. It's been a very long time, and I deeply apologize for that too. The holidays, getting in truck with husband, visiting son on base, bringing his dog home with us for a while...he's like having another child in the home, having an early christmas with our son, and having a late christmas with our daughter. Then, while school was out for the christmas holiday our grand daughter stayed with me for a week. New Years eve was spent with daughter, and her family being here. Also, we had our son on facetime so that he brought in the new year with all of us, and not by himself. Excuses, but they were some precious times that don't want to be missed either.
So, here we are into the new year 2019. Also, the first month of the new year is done as well. Time has gotten by me unfortunately. Things were different this year during holidays because my husband couldn't be home to share it with us. First time in quite a few years we had this happen. So, I did the tree myself, decorations outside and inside myself, gift wrapping, cooking christmas dinner myself, etc etc. Then, of course I had the fun of taking it all down myself too. Really wasn't that bad. Only issue is the new tree we got this year. 7 1/2 foot tall, and I'm about 5'4". So, that was a chore itself. Love the tree, it looked great, but taking it down....I can't find containers big enough to store the tree as it is. I got one more idea to store it, and hopefully I get that done this week. Next time hubby is home he can then put it away for storage till the next time.
I'm not one to really set too many goals for the new year. It's easier for me to work on the smaller things, and add as I go along. My biggest goal is to just work on the house as we are able to, and get it more to a point that it is our home. Baby steps, but it will come along. Just another reason I am anxious for spring because that is when all things will be new, fresh air, windows open, things growing, and so on.
I need to get my craft room into a more organized order for use. That includes going through things that have been stored here, downsize if I need to,etc. I'm anxious for this too. I have been thrifting a little bit here, and there. Getting things in order to start working on. Different glass pieces waiting to be worked with, some need to be washed yet, and then collecting a few extras along the way to use with things I want to make.
I am anxious for this year to truly get back into the groove of making things, and getting back online selling again too. My dearest friend just lives a couple hours from me, and we converse about things we want to do, set some goals, and try to coax each other to help out in the motivation department too. She is in the process of getting her craft room ready, and organized too. Hopefully in the spring we have made some plans to do some thrifting, and junking. Also, to dig into some things for crafty pieces too. She has a few stores she wants to introduce me to, and I am anxious for it too. That is one good thing about this move that we made. I have a few more areas for shopping, and searching for treasures. Also, a new area where I can spend more time with me, and not chasing around for everyone else. More Me time is something we all need.
LOL! Well, now that I have bored y'all with my thoughts, and ideas I shall stop here for now. Hope it didn't scare y'all away, and you come back to visit to keep tabs on things being done. Right now I am thinking, and planning maybe a Christmas in July. I'll keep you updated as things go along for me. Along with that I think I might start working on things for some of the holidays along the year too. I have some ideas, making notes, making lists for supplies needed, watching videos to help me a little bit, and I am truly excited for this! I only hope I can do what I am planning, but have fun with it too.
Thanks so much for visiting with LilacsNDreams, and I hope to see y'all again soon! Stop by now, and then to check in on what is happening, chat with me, etc. Enjoy the company as I venture along with things. Take care till the next time everyone!