Monday, July 29, 2024

Busted Exploded Canvas Crafting Shadow Box


Busted Exploded Canvas Crafting Shadow Box

Welcome to LilacsNDreams! I enjoy watching, and participating with many craft groups on Facebook. Always learning something new, many ways of inspiration are shared, completed projects shared, and instructions how things were done is offered too. 

A new technique is being shown, and instructions offered to many. Busted, or better known as Exploded Canvas decor is being shared. Some might consider them a Shadow Box too. Many people are finding the instruction videos on TikTok as well. These are cute home decor pieces being made from the Dollar Tree canvases, or any canvas you can find. Some use 2 canvases, and some use 1 with their own ways of showing the center decoration and pictures from behind.

I found these pictures on Pinterest which is a really good source to use for inspiration too. These pictures from what I found originated from She shows the canvas being used, cutting the center, painting, rolling the cuts out, and she used a wired grid, and many other decorative embellishments to decorate this piece.

I also found these 2 pictures on Pinterest. Upon further looking the pictures originated from 

These home decor pieces are a great idea! Each piece would definitely be unique, and its own too. The cuts would be different, colors, where each embellishment or decoration placed is a little different than the next one done. Great to add to your home, or to create for unique gifts to be given. I’m excited to get a few canvas pieces myself to try, and play around with this new idea.

Thanks so much for visiting today with LilacsNDreams!  Hope you enjoyed this new technique I shared for those who craft, or for those who wish to find crafters selling pieces like these. Don’t forget to look at Pinterest too. Wishing everyone a great day. Take care till the next time. Toodles!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Craft and Vendor Show Fair Event

 Craft and Vendor Show Fair Event

Welcome to LilacsNDreams! Happy you dropped by here today.

I have been dog sitting since Thursday. I haven’t been home to do anything since then, or work on any craft room and crafting items. I hadn’t really planned on attending an event this year, Neice had baby, her working, schedule for everyone, and everything. Also, I am slowly working on getting some things for our booth to change the layout, appearance, and make it more welcoming. It takes time, and a descent cash flow to do it all too.

I guess I will be doing an event on Saturday, August 3, 2024. My neice would like to do this event which is in Anita, IA. They are having their steak fry at this time, and it is a nice gathering to be at too. Since I hadn’t really planned on doing any events this year I am not prepared, and probably won’t really have anything to show….unless I get lucky to get a few things done. My neice usually does descent here since it is a lot of family, and friends for her there. Also, her car is not able to go out of town, and I have all the tables and wood crates needed too. 

So, I’m going to attempt a few pieces, or maybe touch up a few things that have been done from past times. Have to see what I can find with all my things. Wish me luck!

It’s great to have you visiting with LilacsNDreams! Thank you, and hope to see you again. Take care, and hope you can enjoy your time crafting and creating, and the collectibles you find along the way. Toodles!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Seasonal Holiday Home Decor Outside Decor


Seasonal Holiday Home Decor Outside Decor

Hi, and Welcome to LilacsNDreams! I had seen some comments about the holiday decor seen in places like Hobby Lobby. One friend commented how she loves fall, had smelled something she liked when she walked by an aisle, and then she showed a picture of a candle for fall with the color and smell. She loved the smell, loves fall time, but did comment that she felt it was too soon. Still trying to enjoy the summer time we had yet. 

I read that, and thought it kind of odd with a few other comments I had seen about seeing Halloween Decor being offered at some places. We just got done with the 4th of July, and it is hot out now with this being July. Course some experiencing bad weather, storms, and a few tornadoes. I didn’t think it possible for Halloween to be offered quite yet.

About 2 weeks ago I visited Hobby Lobby with a friend. Fall decor was on sale for like 70% off. Then, there it was. Halloween decor in the aisles being offered too. So, what I had seen commented by some was true. We’re having hot weather with rain, and storms because it’s July. Yet, fall items and Halloween decor is being offered. I too love Halloween, yes retail is always early with putting the seasonal holiday things out, but what happened to being able to enjoy these times too? Be nice to enjoy, and have some fun with it all.

At the same time in my visit to Hobby Lobby I visited other aisles in the store, and I seen Christmas Decor out too. Not all Christmas Trees were put out yet. I did see the 2 sizes of the boxes with the Grinch Tree for sale. Yes, even Christmas was being put out. Some of the decor, ribbon, wreaths, and so on.

I truly love my holidays of Halloween, and Christmas. I enjoy the seasonal changes, all of the decorating, the thrill of it, the fun of it, but am disappointed with how soon they are doing things. What use to be so much fun, enjoyable, and something to look forward to now feels like we are rushed with all of it. It’s here, get it done, and then it’s gone. The true meaning, and feelings shared with this just are not like they use to be. 

I apologize if anyone feels differently about this.  I am not trying to start anything, or make trouble with any of it. Everyone is allowed their own thoughts, and opinions of this. I just felt like sharing some of my feeling, and thoughts with some of this.

Thanks so much for dropping by, and visiting with LilacsNDreams! It was great having you here, and hope to see you again. Take care, and have a great week everyone. Toodles!

Monday, July 8, 2024

Social Media With Blogs and Blogging


Social Media With Blogs and Blogging are tools to use as well

Welcome to LilacsNDreams everyone. I hope everyone had a great 4th of July week! Was very busy here. Eve of the 4th we had family here, grilled, did a lot of fireworks, and then enjoyed the town fireworks as well too. On the day of the 4th a friend, and I visited family and friends at the local camp ground. Very simple enjoyable evening. On the weekend husband could be home, and we grilled and celebrated just a bit more with him, and a friend that came over for supper. 

Social Media tools to use, there is so much out there to consider. What is really good to use, where do people see results for what they want to achieve, the free, the cost, and so on. It’s a lot of trial, and error to see what can really work for you. Also, which places you feel good working with too. It’s not always about having all the followers you can get, but also those who like to stop by, maybe leave a comment, some how participate in what you share so you can follow the interests a little better for those who visit.

One social media tool that a lot of people don’t consider, or think of is Blogs, and Blogging. Many people who do blog use them in many different ways. Some people blog to be able to share things with you. Thoughts, ideas, something they like, their passions, and so on. Some blog to help their business in some way. Share their business with what they do, how they do things, where their business is located in a physical place, or maybe on line. Some people make their blog their website by offering you their products, links to purchase from them, or links to maybe where their shop platforms are in order to purchase their products there. Upon doing this some will have purchased their domains, and directed them to their blog…like I have done myself with my When some people blog they will some times share links to other social media places you can visit them at, they might share links in reference to other businesses they want to share with you. Pinterest has been good to link with your blogs too. Just so many things to do with a blog. 

When you blog it’s also helpful with your rankings in google too. It gets you/your business name out there. So, when you blog you learn that keywords help, keyword phrases, pictures used are helpful, and over time you can also notice that the more you blog…like with social media, the more hits or visits you could receive too.

As you can see above with these 2 pictures it shows some of the top blogs that are used. I just went to Google, and put in Top Blogging Sites. This is what it showed me. So, if interested you might want to give some of them a peek, and see what you think. I myself have one with wordpress too. But, I have not done much with it like I should. I myself got so use to using blogger that other places are different to work with.  I have had some good hits with wordpress when I have done a few posts there. Something I keep in the back of my mind.

Hope you all had a great week, weekend, and hope you have a great coming week. Thanks for stopping by, and taking some time to visit with LilacsNDreams. Hope to see you again soon. Take care, Toodles!