Monday, January 13, 2025

DIY Repurpose Handmade Crafting Vintage Collectibles Groups

 DIY Repurpose Handmade Crafting Vintage Collectibles Groups

Hi, and Welcome to LilacsNDreams! New Year, holidays are past, and in my case I’m hitting that kind of blah mood/mode. Feels kind of like I need to slow down, catch my breath, and find my place to focus on what needs to be done. Focus on some new goals, plans, and ideas of what I need to be doing. I need to clean, organize, downsize a few things…mostly personal things, and then I need to get into crafting for this new year. Ideas for things to make, and do. Just need to be able to focus with it so that I can enjoy what I do, and be productive with it as well too. 

One of my favorite pastimes is to see what others share. I enjoy seeing the instructions, and completed projects for those that craft, repurpose, do handmade, and are sharing their enjoyments. Some of that also includes using vintage collectible items with repurposing, restyling, upcycling, and just everyday items that are all around us. 

When searching the internet you can find quite a few things for all of this. It’s a big place out there. You can also find, and be involved with many different groups that are either private, or public too. The groups are fun, relaxing, learning, and places to ask questions for help, or just to get some ideas from other opinions. Sometimes I get too caught up with them, and have spent a lot of time viewing and making notes. I keep going back, and it’s kind of like an addiction like crafting can be too.

Many of the groups I follow, share, and get involved with are on Facebook. So below are just a few pictures showing some things, and I tried to include the name of the groups they came from. There are sooo many, but this is just a few of them.

Some of the vintage pieces big, or small make some adorable fun things too. I myself crafted a few pieces using some small vintage pieces….wooden blocks, empty and threaded little wooden spools, and so on.

Something popular has been the snowman hats that are made with different items. Some items used are from Dollar Tree, things we have around the home with like empty coffee or food cans, a little paint, some sealants, different sorts of embellishments, and the list is endless of what you could use.

Wonderful work done here with vintage, or making it look vintage too. Frames, borders, pictures, prints, just so many ways to do things like this too. 

Extra cups, mugs, teapots, items from broken sets, and here they show another way of putting things together.

This is adorable, and creative using Dollar Tree items. Bowls, charger plates or some sort of plate, pool noodles, a little glue, little paint, and so cute! 

I could go on forever showing pictures of many things made, many groups on Facebook, and so on. I have been seeing many different angels being made that are popular right now. I love angels, they were some of my first crafting pieces I did, and I still enjoy making one here there and in between. Another popular item this christmas/winter that was popping up was the snowman being made. Whether from plastic stackable pumpkins, or different glass pieces connected making them they all are adorable! Like many other crafts it’s addicting too.

So, right now this is the mode I have been in. Just a little blah right now, and thinking of things I need to do. I need to get organized, and get ready to be apart of some of the vendor fairs that are being scheduled for the year too. Trying not to overwhelm myself, focus on what needs to be done, and then working to complete things. 

Thanks so much for visiting with LilacsNDreams! Take care, and enjoy all that you do. See you again soon.

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