Monday, January 6, 2020

Christmas Holidays Celebration Over and New Year 2020

Christmas Holidays Celebrations Soon Over New Year 2020 with LilacsNDreams. Welcome, and glad to have you stopping by for a visit.

All the preparations of shopping, wrapping, decorating, buying food, cooking, and etc. All the time, and preparations spent making it a joyous time. Then, like that it seems like it’s all done, and gone. Of course the proof for holiday celebrations lingers with all the cleaning, organizing, removing decorations, and so on. 

Daughter and family left on New Year’s Day, hubby left the next day, and son headed back to base on Saturday. Here I sit looking at the piles of decorations I’ve removed inside and from outside the home, trying to reorganize the house, and my energy levels are not very high right! I have a set of lights in the arch of the kitchen entry, and the tree to bring down. Things are almost back in order. How are all of you doing? Hope it’s a little better than me. 

Below is a picture of a quick wrapping I did of couple of gifts for our granddaughter. The joy of watching her face light up with activities, and her surprises is very fulfilling. 

Below are 2 pictures of a couple of items I sold from my Shoppe at Etsy too. The Vera Bradley purse was wrapped as a gift, and shipped to her. That was actually fun to do.

The Christmas Holiday season was very enjoyable with all of our family together to celebrate this time. Trying to finish with bagging everything, and getting it all put away. I am ready to do some crafting, taking some pictures, and to spend time with filling my Shoppe at Etsy with more things too.  Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays, and are recuperating from all of it. 

Thanks so much for visiting with LilacsNDreams! Take care, and hope to see everyone again soon.


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