Monday, May 13, 2024



Hello Blogland!! Welcome back to LilacsNDreams!! So happy to have you stop by, and it feels pretty good to finally be back here too! It’s been a good couple of years, but feels like a lifetime to me. So many things have happened…seems to be the story of my life. Just another day, another story, another chapter to be added. A lot of the time that has passed has been with family situations too. Some good, and some not so good. It is what it is, right? To start today off my issue I was dealing with was trying to find my way to signing in here. Whew! Google, and changes they’ve made was a challenge to get worked out, but I finally made it. Thats a relief for sure!

Soooo, where do I begin? How do I begin this? I have thought often about this, and my site here. The only thing I have kept up with really is keeping my domain to here. I have done a few vendor market fairs with my neice who asked me to join her. Those have been fun, learning experiences, and still learning it too. I pretty much joined along with her, and just kind of threw a few things in with her. Not knowing what I’m doing, and she just kind of does things herself too. Soooo both of us learning as we go. This year with her being pregnant no plans were made for vendor fairs. Yes, I am kind of missing it some this year too. But, I have been reading a little here and there with Facebook Groups that deal with vendor fairs, set ups with your booths, and things like that. I’m still learning what I can, and enjoying the learning as the days go along. For me it’s interesting doing this, learning. Ideas, seeing what others do and suggest, and it’s great filling my time doing this too. 

I have a basement full of products to craft with that I got during specials, and sales. Biggest thing I really need to do is spend time putting up foldable shelves I bought, and some stackable containers with drawers to organize everything that I have, and have added to those piles too. It’s enough to keep me busy for a while, and occupy my time. You know how it goes. I’ll get it organized, things put in places, and pretty soon I’ll make a few adjustments, then arrange a few more things, and hopefully at some point it is settling enough for me to start working on things again. 

Once I get that done then I would like to put some of my notes, and scribbles along the way together, and go through places that have my name LilacsNDreams there. Places I’m associated with, check into, visit, and so on. It’s definitely time to update my descriptions of things, places to find me, share some pictures of things I have done, and are doing. Kind of like advertising me LilacsNDreams. By the way, the picture you see above is an item I made for 1 of the vendor fairs I attended. I used 2 pizza pans, and made it that you can hang it, or it can sit in a plate stand too. I also made it that the lilac flowers are removable, and you can put in what you like and change as you feel to do also. I have made another one of these with neutral fall like colors. I put the word Grateful on it where the butterfly is on this one. I also would like to work on my business cards making some really minor changes with that too.

Ideas, notes about ideas or my To Do List, and things like that. I’ve been sitting back long enough it’s time to get busy. Keeps me busy, keeps the hands moving, and occupies time for me too. Since I like doing this it makes it comfortable for me to do as well. 

First things first…getting started back with blogging. I don’t mind sharing things with everyone. It might be thoughts, ideas, and sometimes me just rambling. I enjoy it, and I hope you will too. I prefer being laid back, and not so stiff business like. Enjoy, and have a little fun with it, right? 

So happy to have you stopping in to visit. Hope you’ll stop back when roaming, and feel like seeing what’s up next. Always happy to have ya! Thanks again for the visit, and hope you’ll stop again. Till the next time everyone….Toodles!😊

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