Monday, January 28, 2013

Stop Using Internet Explorer and Find a New Browser

Stop Using Internet Explorer, and find a New Browser! Trust Me everyone as I share this.

Believe Me when I say if you are using Internet Explorer as your browser you really need to reconsider things with this everyone. Why you ask? I have been reading about issues of many who are having problems with uploading pictures on their blogs, and other places. Some are having problems with responding to blogs, and to other places on the internet as well too. 

I have seen many who have been complaining about uploading images to their blogs, and the option to upload from their computer is no longer there. Many times when they have been asked if they were using Internet Explorer, guess what the majority vote has been? You got it, they are using Internet Explorer! 

I know it has been said before, and many times it has been mentioned by others as well too. But, if you would like your blog to function at it's best, if you would like to see all the pretty things on blogs the way they should be, if you would not like to have problems all the time....quit using Internet Explorer. 

As some know Internet Explorer just has not been keeping up with all the changes that are happening on the internet all the time. It has been buggy, and slow as well. I know it comes with all the PC's, and people will just use the browser that came with their computers because it is easier. That is understandable, and I too use to be like that. You need to know that you don't have to, and there are other choices out there that can be used with much more success reported by many people. 

The question you are asking I am sure is what should you use then? From reading, watching what others comment on, and from experience I would strongly recommend using Fire Fox, or Google Chrome. Both are excellent choices, and it is your preference to which you choose. Blogger does recommend the use of both of them being a compatible browser. Yes, there is Safari that is used by some as well. I know of others who have had some issues with this browser too. So, I would still recommend using Fire Fox, or Google Chrome. 

Trust me that once you start using a new browser not only for your blogs, but for other places with the internet you will never look back. They run faster, and they are much more user friendly too. I have also seen those that are Mac Book users comment how they have switched to Fire Fox, and also use Google Chrome. They felt it was the best decision that they had made to switch their browser. 

Believe me, I am no expert when it comes to computers. I have had to learn many things myself by trial, and error. Many times researching, and learning from others has been good for me too. When my old computer went down a few years ago, and we got the new one I switched my browser right away to Fire Fox, and have never regretted it either. Please know that when I share this with you all it is because of what I have learned from time, and also from what others have reported as well. 

Hope this finds all of you doing well, you had a good weekend, and that you will also find this to be helpful with your computer tasks as well. Thanks so much for sharing your time with LilacsNDreams. Hope to see you all again soon. Till the next time my friends.


  1. I stopped using IE about 10 years ago. There's so much better to choose from these days, with more workable options than ever before. I use Chrome now for the most part and am very pleased with it's performance. Nice post Lilacs!

  2. Hey Linda....thanks for visiting, and commenting!:) Nice to see you. I so agree with you about IE, and I do not miss it at all. I am still a FF user, but I do have Chrome that I like to hop over to sometimes as well:)

    Thanks again Linda for visiting, and have a wonderful week!:)

