Ebay Yearly Spring Seller Changes Have Started
Happy Monday, and Welcome to LilacsNDreams! How many of you deal with Ebay? Do you only buy there, do you maybe auction there, or are one of the many many sellers that they have? If you are a buyer you might notice changes with different things as time moves along. Some you might like, and some you might not. As a seller there are many things to face, and always changes when dealing with Ebay.
I started Ebay in 2004 as my first venture of selling online. Whew! Did I have fun too! I enjoyed what I did, enjoyed finding things to sell on ebay, treasure hunting and thrifting were always a blast to do for this venture, I enjoyed some of the extra cash, and really enjoyed selling online because of ebay. As time as gone along ebay has made changes. Some have been drastic, and some are disappointing and questionable too. For me what use to be fun, and enjoyable has really become a heartache selling there.
Every year Ebay has their spring changes they do. Generally it is a price increase for selling there of course. They are now at 10% they charge on your final value fee of what you sell. No more listing fees, or at least not for the first 50 listings. Those first 50 are free, and then they will charge a listing fee after that. If you have stores with ebay you will also see some changes for you. Then there is the final value fee you pay with your shipping cost that you charge.
This year by July 1st you will see most changes have gone into effect for what they have notified of. I recently read with Ecommercebytes for those who have signed up with ebay, have accounts with them, but have not been active for a long time that they would like to expire those old IDs. Interestingly ebay has been around for about 18 years, and some of us have had our user IDs for like forever. If you want an account there it has been frustrating for some who choose a name they like, and find out it is already taken. Even more frustrating is to find the person is no longer registered with Ebay, has not had an active account for 2, 3, 4+ years, and so on. So, emails are being sent out to those who have been inactive too long to determine if they keep those user IDs, or if ebay is expiring them.
Another thing I have been dealing with when I am relisting items myself to ebay is another new change. You will have your listing price of items, and some of us along with a listing price/auction price will also include a buy it now (BIN) price too. Some people don't like to auction, and would just rather buy the item now which is fine. Ebay is now enforcing with sellers that if you have the buy it now price it is to be 30% more than your listing price. Say what? Seriously? Not quite sure what it is to them about this new rule, and why it is being enforced. Isn't ebay making money from the sellers no matter what they do? So, upon relisting items if I want the buy it now, and they don't like the amount I have because it is below the 30% they are not letting relist items till I change that. To me this is disappointing, and as mentioned before, the fun of selling on ebay back when I started is not anything like it use to be.
There are more changes, but I promised myself I would not write a book with this posting to you all. So, do you sell on ebay? How do you feel about the changes that they have been making? Have you found other market places that you enjoy selling with? Would love to hear from some on this issue, and would be happy for us all to discuss this a little.
Also, I just wanted to note to those who are buyers. I am sure it is frustrating sometimes when buying there, but please do not have ill feelings to all the sellers for some things that you see. It is no longer our items to sell as we use to. For us to sell on ebay we have rules to follow, and if we don't we cannot list, our items are pushed to the bottom of searches, or sometimes they do not allow our listings.
Thanks so much for sharing your time at LilacsNDreams today everyone. I love having you visit, enjoy hearing from all of you, and it's always a pleasure coming by here to catch up. Hope to see you again soon. Happy Day to everyone!:)
When I first started listing on Ebay is was so much cheaper and easier. All the changes and price increases have made it to expensive and difficult to list there as a seller. I still have my account and I do buy from the site every now and then. I hope they do not take my ID away I have had it for 15 years. :( The buy it now price fee is outrageous!! This is so sad!
ReplyDeleteHi Jennifer, and thanks for stopping by, and sharing with us! I hear many people...including Me....remembering when things were actually better at Ebay with prices, and being easier compared to now. If you are still active with your ID off, and on as you mentioned with selling I would think you would be ok. I have another ID there myself too. I figured I would sign into it now, and then to at least look at things, maybe just watch a couple of things, and like that. Letters are suppose to be coming out for that...it could be a while yet. I feel terrible about the Buy It Now prices I am being forced to add to my listings, and am really disappointed.
ReplyDeleteEbay was a start for me, still used now and then, but more focus has been put with other sites to sell on.
Thanks again Jennifer, and have a wonderful week!:)