Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Effective Networking, Making Connections Online

Effective Networking, Making Connections Online

Welcome to LilacsNDreams! Recently covered was Blogging, and Social Media. Today I will briefly cover some effective networking, and making online connections that will help us with our businesses.  

I am going to share a statement that Lisa from Market Your Creativity had shared in one of her first posts that she had shared on Etsy in the forums. What she had told the community there was "I am always your friend. We have neighboring shops and we help each other, whether you realize it or not."  

Interesting idea when you think about it as this is something we do with the different platforms we use to sell on, how we become involved with different social networks, and it would be like having a shop in the mall or one of those mini malls. So, what we do to attract customers to our shops, and places we sell can also help those around us. What you do to draw people to your shops is something others near by can benefit from as well. So, if someone comes to visit my shop, you are right next door, and could also get a visit as well. You are not trying to outsell the competition, or take their sales, but rather you are working to make sales. 

So, Lisa shares how she sees this as not pulling competition from each other, but rather how we are all pulling from the same places to make sales. It's an interesting thought don't you think?

We are all human, and sometimes we will get that sudden jolt of envy when we see someone else getting the good sales, and maybe some success too. Consider transforming some of those negative thoughts into admiration for those sellers. Take the opportunity to learn from them, and with some respectful admiration convert that into something positive for you. Get your creative juices flowing, putting your thoughts into work, and go forward to create your own success. 

Try to believe that there is enough business for all of us to have which includes some money too. This positive thinking can open some possibilities, and some potential connections around you. Feel the need to reach out to other competitors, and business owners that inspire you. When you do this you will be surprised with some of the ideas, some of the projects, and some of the exchanges that you will generate. 

This in turn will give you more confidence to build something from nothing. Brainstorming with sharing, and connecting with others can help produce many more things for you. 

I myself am a huge fan of networking in different ways. Since I live most of my time online most of my networking is done within the virtual world. The benefits, and knowledge that comes from these places can be priceless for many of us, and our careers.  

You can start this by setting some goals, reaching out to others, and maybe connecting with other business owners. Take the step, and see where it leads. It is beneficial to you, but it can also be a fun experience too. 

Remember to drop by, and visit with Lisa at Market Your Creativity. She really shares some good things there to learn from. 

Thanks so much for sharing your time with LilacsNDreams! Until the next time I wish you all a wonderful day. See you again soon. 

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